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Wider Enrichment

Life at Blue Coat is much more than academic achievement. Our new curriculum will give all students a much broader programme of enrichment opportunities.

At The Blue Coat School we encourage creativity and curiosity and place great value on developing our students’ abilities to be self-directed and self-motivated.

As a Blue Coat student, you will automatically be prepared for the Extended Project Qualification. The Extended Project Qualification provides students with the opportunity to complete an independent research project on a topic of their choosing. It is an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond their sixth-form courses of study. The EPQ fosters independent research and report writing skills in line with current university standards. The qualification is worth 28 UCAS points and, as such, is looked on favorably by universities and other institutions considering admissions.

Extended project lesson: Every fortnight





As part of The Blue Coat Baccalaureate you will enjoy built-in and planned careers, information, advice, and guidance opportunities that will progressively prepare you for your next steps in education, employment, or training:

CIAG lesson: Every fortnight

Knowing your options

Finding out more

Getting prepared


Finance and funding


Beyond the curriculum, life at Blue Coat provides many and varied opportunities to get involved, enjoy new experiences and develop new skills. Here are just a few opportunities that sixth form students at Blue Coat appreciate:

Wider development: Beyond the curriculum

Senior prefects roles

Subject prefects roles

Leadership of clubs and societies

School council roles

Involvement in local, regional, and national competitions

Experience local, national and international trips and visits

Representing the school through music

Representing the school through sport

Duke of Edinburgh