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Sixth Form

The Blue Coat School Sixth Form is the largest in the city, with 360 students studying in our Year 12 and Year 13.

We have great flexibility in our curriculum – there are 18 A level courses to choose from and it is rare that students aren’t able to study the combination they choose.

Internal Applicants

Our Year 11 Options Evening took place on Thursday 16th November 2023.  Students were sent a link to complete an online Options Form which was due for submission by Thursday 14th March 2024.    

External Applicants

As part of our admission procedure, students who wished to join our school for Sixth Form submitted an expression of interest link, which captured their aspirations and who they are as individuals. 

All applications will be reviewed and students will be asked to bring copies of their GCSE certificates (or equivalent) on results day. They will be contacted prior to results day with the arrangements for this. 

Once all of this information is obtained, it is reviewed and students are contacted within 48 hours to let them know if they have secured a place for September. 

As many of our Year 11 students continue on into Sixth Form, the places available to external candidates are approximately 15-20, meaning that we are heavily oversubscribed. We therefore recommend that all students explore a number of educational institutions to ensure that they have other options should they be unsuccessful in obtaining a place at Blue Coat.

Sixth Form Information Booklet Admission 2024 

A Level Courses Booklet 

Independent Appeals

Applicants are entitled to request an independent appeal panel hearing if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision made by The Blue Coat School.

Please contact Lisa Hayburn,, for further information and guidance about how the appeals process will work.  The arrangement for appeals will be in line with the School Admission Code published by the Department for Education.

Transition Tasks

Before you begin your new A-Level courses, you should complete the Transition tasks below. These tasks form an important part of the course and should be completed during the summer break. Your teachers will share more information about how this work will be assessed when you start in September.

Subject Course Information

You can also read more information about our Sixth Form here.