Sixth Form
The Blue Coat School Sixth Form is the largest in the city, with 360 students studying in our Year 12 and Year 13.
We have great flexibility in our curriculum – there are 18 A level courses to choose from and it is rare that students aren’t able to study the combination they choose.
Internal Applicants
Our Year 11 Options information has been shared with students. Students have also received a link to complete an online Options Form which they should submit by Thursday 13th March 2025.
External Applicants
Thank you for your interest in The Blue Coat School Liverpool.
The Liverpool Blue Coat School admits 175 students into Year 12 to study GCE A level courses, with many of our Year 11 students continuing on to study A Levels at Blue Coat. There are 15-20 places available for external applicants. The number is dependent on the number of internal Y11 students progressing to Y12. As a result, our Sixth Form is heavily oversubscribed.
Please complete the following application form making sure all questions are answered correctly. The deadline for applications is Thursday 13th March 2025.
Applicants who have submitted an application form will be asked to bring their results into school. Applicants who are unable to attend in person must make arrangements for the school to receive copies of your results. If we do not receive copies of your results on Results Day, then we cannot consider you for a place.
If you do not submit an application form but achieve the necessary GCSE results to be admitted and are still interested in joining The Blue Coat School Liverpool, please contact the School on GCSE Results Day in August to register your interest.
Students who are successful in obtaining a place in the Sixth Form for September 2025 will usually be notified the day after Results day.
If you need any further advice or guidance before applying please contact
Independent Appeals
Applicants are entitled to request an independent appeal panel hearing if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision made by The Blue Coat School.
Please contact Lisa Hayburn,, for further information and guidance about how the appeals process will work. The arrangement for appeals will be in line with the School Admission Code published by the Department for Education.