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The Blue Coat School welcomes all children who can make the most of the opportunities on offer and thrive in the academic learning environment. We aim to ensure that students with special educational needs and disabilities are identified, supported, and guided throughout their school life. This will enable them to maximise their learning potential and make a successful transition to adulthood.

Inclusive Curriculum

Students with SEND work in mainstream classes and are supported through high-quality teaching, also known as quality first teaching, as required in the SEND Code of Practice. High-quality teaching is adapted and personalised to meet the individual needs of the student. As an inclusive school where every student is valued, we want all students to take a full part in all lessons, alongside their peers.

  • Graduated Approach – SEN Support is the system by which schools assess the needs of children, and then provide appropriate support. The system has four stages, often referred to as a 'cycle': Assess, Plan, Do, Review.  For further information about this cycle, often referred to as the 'graduated approach', see Chapter 6 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
  • SEND Local Offer – This provides a range of support and services available in the area. Liverpool’s SEND Local Offer 
  • Coffee Afternoons - Each term we hold a coffee afternoon for parents of students with SEND, providing an opportunity to speak with the SENCO, and other parents.

SENDCO: Mrs S Edwards
