Independent Careers Advice
The Blue Coat School works closely in partnership with Careers Connect, which provides independent, impartial and bespoke information, advice and guidance for students.
The School’s Careers Adviser, Karen Meagher, provides support at The Blue Coat School in the following ways:
- introductory year group talks delivered to Years 7-13
- attendance at parents’ evenings, including Options choice evenings
- support provided at the annual Careers Fair
- sharing of information about local and national opportunities, which are shared with students via their CIAG Teams pages
- presentations delivered on specific topics, as requested
- any student can request an individual interview; in KS5 students can self-refer
- provision of websites to aid with research, including overseas work and study and planning for a gap year
- support on and after Results Days for Year 11 and Year 13
- helping students develop a realistic approach about their potential and guide them with planning to achieve their aims
- all Year 11 and Year 12 students receive an interview, with oral and verbal feedback
- the support provided is evaluated regularly by gaining regular feedback from students
- constantly exploring new and innovative ways to approach career planning
Our independent careers adviser is Karen Meagher.
Karen Meagher
Careers Adviser
Career Connect
7th Floor, Walker House
Exchange Flags
Liverpool, L2 3YL
Telephone: 07854054507