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In Year Entrance Test

In-Year Admissions for Year 7-11

Should a vacancy arise within Year 7 during the Autumn term, the Local Authority and The Blue Coat School work in partnership to offer the vacancy to the candidate with the next highest score on the Entrance Test.

From the start of the Spring Term, The Blue Coat School will hold a general waiting list for Year 7 in rank order of the original test and the same system will operate as in Years 8 and 9.

If a vacancy arises at any time during the academic year in Years 8 and 9, then all students who are on the waiting list for the year group of the vacancy, will be invited to sit tests in English and Mathematics.  The vacancy would be offered to the highest-scoring student, providing they obtained an overall mark of at least 50% in the tests.  Only in exceptional cases will any place be offered in Year 10 starting after September, or at any time in Year 11, because of the nature of the GCSE courses, even when the year group is below 180 in number.

For any in-year admissions, parents/carers must email to register their interest.  On receipt, the school will ensure that the local authority admissions team is informed.  If a year group is full, The Blue Coat School will offer the opportunity to join the waiting list for casual admissions.  The school will set one date per term throughout the year when tests will be arranged following a vacancy arising. Please see the dates below for the academic year 2024/2025.

The Blue Coat School will conduct their In-Year Entrance Tests on the following dates:

  • 12 November 2024 
  • 6 February 2025
  • 1 May 2025 
  • 26 June 2025