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Careers Fair

The Blue Coat School’s annual Careers Fair plays a significant part in our aim to provide students with an effective Careers’ Education programme.  This contributes to the process of preparing our students for their chosen career path. We are thrilled and fortunate to have very strong links with a wide network of Old Blues, who go out of their way to support the school and students, especially in the area of careers.

The aims of the Careers Fair are:

  • to raise students’ awareness of the variety of career, vocational and educational opportunities available
  • to provide access to people working directly in a variety of areas who are able to offer information, advice and guidance
  • to help students make informed decisions about their future by encouraging them to seek out information regarding courses and career paths of interest to them
  • to help students begin to prepare for a chosen career path as early as possible and begin to build up relevant skills and experience

Each year, we extend the range and diversity of those attending the Careers Fair and regularly have over 80 delegates present, sharing their passion and expertise in their chosen profession.

Our next Careers Fair will take place in March 2024

If you or your business would like to support our future Careers Fairs or would like further information please contact:

Assistant Headteacher - Student Development and Careers: Miss L Nock